Jesolo Air Show 2023

Trip to Jesolo Air Show 2023, one of the most important seaside airshows in Italy, organized in Jesolo, a popular holiday location near Venice.

The show was opened by a Police AgustaWestland UH-139E…

…and by a Carabinieri Agusta-Bell AB-412EP Grifone (still wearing the Forestry Corp livery, disbanded in 2016)

Wingwalking display with 46 Aviation’s Stearman biplane by Emiliano and Danielle del Buono

Vigili del Fuoco (Fire Department) AgustaWestland AW139

AMX from Istrana’s 51° Stormo

CAP 10 flown by paraplegic pilot Paolo Pocobelli

Patrouille de France

Guardia di Finanza (Custom Guard) AgustaWestland AW169M LUH
Speedboat pursuit demonstration

For boat enthusiasts, the “target” was a Class 2000 fast coastal patrol boat

McDonnell Douglas F-18C Hornet from Swiss Air Force’s Fliegerstaffel 18

Agusta AH-129D Mangusta from Italian Army Aviation’s 5° Reggimento Rigel based in Casarsa della Delizia

Andrea Pesenato flying CAP 231

15° Stormo AgustaWestland HH-139B

Reparto Sperimentale Volo (Experimental Flight Detachment)’s Alenia C-27J Spartan wearing a special tail for the Italian Air Force 100th Anniversary

Reparto Sperimentale Volo’s Aermacchi T-346 wearing a special tail too

Reparto Sperimentale Volo’s Eurofighter F-2000 Typhoon (though a 51° Stormo plane was used due to technical issues)

And finally the Frecce Tricolori

2 shots from the static display in one of the city squares:


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