Alzate Brianza – Glider races 2017

On 13th and 14th May, the small Alzate Brianza gliderport hosted the Italian Aerobatic Gliders Championship 2017:

14th May was also the open day of the local flying club, Aeroclub Volovelistico Lariano:

Former aerobatic champion Sergio Dallan was invited…

…and flew as a passenger in an aerobatic display by Gerolamo Ghiringhelli.

The SEA Risen, the fastest ultralight in the world, was visible in the static display.

From 22th April to 1st May, the same gliderport hosted the Italian Club Class Championship 2017, an air rally for older gliders whose performances are not comparable anymore with more modern gliders.

The top scorer, whose race was not valid for the Italian championship due to him being a Swiss citizen.

1st place:

2nd place:

3rd place:

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